It’s been a running joke in our home for a while now that whenever we build a home (and we do that often, my hubby is a builder) that we always have to have the extra room for scrapbooking.
My scrap room was affectionately nick-named “The Bat Cave” by my hubby quite a few years back when it was a tiny, tiny room that I would disappear into for hours at a time. It has not gained much in size, it’s still a tiny room, but I have become more efficient with my organization and storage as I have let scrapbooking take over more of my day.
My favourite scrapbooking organisational tool is the Cropper Hopper vertical storage. I previously stored my papers in manufacturer-sorted folders but when I saw this vertical storage I was sold. Each small folder holds a different manufacturer and it comes with dividers as well. The larger ones hold my cardstock. Love it. So much paper in such a small space. That has to be a good thing!
As my room is small, I’m not big on display items. I don’t have any beautiful inspirational items around me. I have a large built in desk and a tonne of stuff sitting in open boxes in front of me. All incredibly organised, of course, for example this box of photos. Waiting to be scrapped!
My home décor is much the same. As we have built and moved so many times I have become used to not having pretty things around me. My home is essentially bare – I have calico curtains and walls void of art. I do have a set of favourite photos I display, and a few favourite vases etc around the home, but it doesn’t go much further. I swear one day I will get lots of pretty stuff. One day hasn’t arrived yet.
I think my scrapping colour preferences used to follow the modest decorating in my home. At one point I was nicknamed “Putty Girl” by a magazine editor for using the same tones of sand and brown, over and over. It was about this time that I did a layout expressing my fear of having to use the colour red.
These days I embrace colour. This is in part due to the move in trends since I was dubbed the putty girl years ago, but also I think as a matter of confidence. Who would have known that red and teal are the colours I would reach for first after owning such a dreary nickname? Apparently my fear of red has been cured, lets hope my home décor follows soon!