Iris always turns to Echo Park papers when she wants to do a project that is on the whimsical side. The sticker elements are perfect for adding bits and pieces of details. To create this page, she used a card stock with a resist pattern on it and sprayed light green and pink colors of glimmer mist. She then used pan pastels to shade and add more color to certain areas. The layering of papers, stickers, and buttons come in easy and quickly sets off the page.
Janine loved playing with this bright and colourful Echo Park line, Hello Summer. She loved the large floral sheet that gave some wonderful flowers for hand cutting and the matching papers in the line were so bold it really gave her page punch. She mixed this with some dashes of masking with Glimmer Mist for a fun and slightly arty page.
Sharon Thomson has created this stunning page using Echo Park Sweet Day Collection of papers. She has combined masking and misting on this layout for a fabulous arty effect. Thanks so much for sharing this LO with us Sharryn.
Thank you so much for sharing this gorgeous layout with us Luz Maria Bruna. Luzma (as she is known online) created this stunning page using the Echo Park Hello Summer Collection. She has perfectly captured this fun summertime photo on this layout.
Pia Lopez is part of a dynamic husband and wife team. Her husband Jeff is a hobbyist turned pro photographer who takes amazing pictures of their children, and Pia turns these into gorgeous scrapbook pages. In this layout for her daughter Erin, Pia created different pinwheels and arranged them in a chipboard flourish to make it look like flowers in a stem/branch. According to Pia, Pinwheels are easy to make embellishments to add depth to your layouts.